Tuesday 23 September 2014

1 month to get my computer and programs fixed hopefully :0 hopefully gonna get fraps and the blue snowball microphone :) 

sorry you guys i hope everything goes ok

Sunday 10 August 2014

Thank you all who are subscribed to me and will do in the future :)
Love you all heaps xxxxx

Monday 16 June 2014

Hey guys, my (NEW)Upload Schedule:
Alternate Tuesday's: How to's and Info
Thursday: Current household ( maybe )
Saturday: Let's play: Sims 3 Pets LP
Alternate Sundays:  CAS, ( create a sim )

Thursday 15 May 2014

My Video schedule:
This schedule may or may not start until next week hopeing for this week
Saturday: Lets play: The Sims 3 Supernatural
Sunday: Lets play: The Sims 3 Generations
Tuesday:Lets play: The Sims 3 Supernatural alternate Tuesday
Friday: Info/content,, How to's
Extra and coming soon....
Draw my life/mybe

Friday 4 April 2014


Ok I know for sure ur never to old enough to have a sleepover with ur besties 
So I was laughing、and I think by the end of the night I was sooo hyper that I had just gotten so tiered that I just fel 
Asleep like some drunk person 


Monday 31 March 2014

The best thing ever!!!

The best thing ever is when u have had a long day and u come home and ur house is clean and everything is neat and has a lot if space and ur pets are clean and everything is clean and u are clean and u can just lay down in bed and go to sleep at the end of the day and have no stress or homework or anything none of that shit, and u can just relax and go to bed that my fave part of the day :) comment what ur fave part of the day is?:


Playing sims

Playing sims what's new right xxx SIMLOVER

Went shopping

Went shopping with girls and modeling friends omfg haven't seen them in a year and a half :) 


Sunday 30 March 2014

Went shopping

Went shopping with girls and modeling friends omfg haven't seen them in a year and a half :) 


Saturday 29 March 2014

Fall is here

Fall is here, it's cloudy and raining and cold thank god been waiting for this weather for ages fall and winter is my fave, I like summer and spring to but fall and winter is my fave xxx SIMLOVER 

Haha priceless

Face timing my youtube friends :)

Haha lol my friend is so guyyyyyy on FaceTime $$$$ priceless 

Uploading soon, and problems

There have been a lot of probelms with my software for video makeung so it's been a disaster which means, I'm leading bk instead if forwards with my videos :( unfortunately,

So hopefully me and my youtube friend are trying to sort it out, if u guys have any idea on what a good free recording software that is good grafucal free records or more than 10mins and doesn't take up to much GB ok thnx 


Sims 4!

I will hopefully be getting the sims 4 very soon because in have been dying for it for ages, comment down below if u want It Right Know!!!! I now I do

Friday 28 March 2014

The reason why I haven't been uploading & posting

Hey guys,

The reason why I haven't been posting and been uploading videos is because,

I have been sorting out personal things which I wont go into because as I said its personal, I have also just gone into a new year of high school so its quite different and I needed to get ahead on that, also my computer wasn't working and that took me a couple of months to sort that out (unfortunately), so then when I found out what was wrong with it, apparently it had a very bad virus called the (the blue screen of death) which most simmers and gamers like myself get because were always downloading stuff for our game and I will go into more detail with all that later.

So after all that I decided to get a new computer all together because you wouldn't be able to get rid of the (the blue screen of death) so it was called,
so I got a new computer all together called a ACER its the newest edition, its got all these awesome stuff for gaming and stuff and yea, I cant really go into to much detail with it because it goes on forever but all I can tell you is that its a awesome computer and great for gaming and massive assignments. :)

ok so hopefully I haven't bourn you to death with all that talking well typing but anyways lets not get to logical, but anyways I will be getting some videos up soon, with my new computer and a new software for videos so its all new so its really good so in the next couple of wks at the most so yea probely next weekend at the soonest so yea, ill see you guys soon :)

By guys :)